Here’s the latest update on the Ghana volunteering trip from Dan Sims’ mum on social media just before he and his fellow students from Bourne Community College set off for Ghana on the trip which Seaward and their contractor colleagues helped to support.

Dan is almost ready to go on his volunteering trip to Ghana tomorrow where he will be working on a project to build much needed additional classrooms for a local school in the rural area of Woe. Thank you so much to everyone who helped to make this happen! There are too many people to thank individually but we’d just like to mention Seaward Properties for their generous sponsorship, Jane & Mike Ray who ran a fabulous fundraising gin evening and thank you to all those who drank gin, bought raffle tickets and donated football kits, boots, tennis balls and pens/pencils for the local children.

Not sure how they got all that in their luggage!

The group of students was supported by Seaward and a number of contractors currently working on our development at Priors Orchard in Southbourne. See previous news item for details.